Ron’s class donated d dollars to a local charity. Danny’s class donated 21% more than Ron’s class. Which expression shows the amount Danny’s class donated in terms of the amount donated by Ron’s class?

The amount donated by Danny's class can be expressed as:

d + 0.21d
Which simplifies to:

Let's represent the amount Ron's class donated as "d" dollars.

Since Danny's class donated 21% more than Ron's class, we can express Danny's donation as d + 21% of d.

To calculate 21% of d, we multiply d by 21/100, which can be simplified to 0.21.

Therefore, the expression that shows the amount Danny's class donated in terms of the amount donated by Ron's class is:

d + 0.21d

This can be further simplified as:


To find the expression that shows the amount Danny's class donated in terms of Ron's class donation, we need to consider that Danny's class donated 21% more than Ron's class.

Let's say Ron's class donated d dollars. To calculate Danny's donation, we need to add 21% more to Ron's donation.

Since 21% can be written as 0.21 (the decimal equivalent of 21%), we can express Danny's donation as:

Ron's donation + 0.21 * Ron's donation

Simplifying further, we can factor out Ron's donation:

Ron's donation * (1 + 0.21)

So, in terms of Ron's donation (d dollars), the expression for Danny's donation would be:

d * (1 + 0.21)


d * 1.21

Therefore, the expression that shows the amount Danny's class donated in terms of the amount donated by Ron's class is:
