Which war gave Texas its independence from spain?

The Mexican war of Independence****
The Spanish american war
The war of spanish secession
the war of triple alliance

... gave Mexico (including what we now call Texas) independence from Spain.

Is that what's meant? If not, then you need to reread your text and/or use Google for each of those wars named. If you use Google, look for the RESULT of each one.





The correct answer is the "Mexican War of Independence." Here's how you can figure it out:

1. Identify the options: In this case, the options are the Mexican War of Independence, the Spanish-American war, the War of Spanish Succession, and the War of Triple Alliance.

2. Consider Spain's involvement: Determine which war involved Spain and its colonies in the Americas. In the Spanish-American War, Spain fought against the United States, not Mexico. The War of Spanish Succession was a European conflict that didn't directly involve Spain's colonies in the Americas. The War of Triple Alliance was fought among Paraguay, Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay, with no direct connection to Spain.

3. Look for a war involving Mexican independence: Based on the remaining option, the "Mexican War of Independence" is the most likely answer. This war, which took place from 1810 to 1821, led to Mexico gaining independence from Spain and included the region now known as Texas.

Therefore, the Mexican War of Independence is the war that gave Texas its independence from Spain.