5^2x 4+2^3

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Remember the order of operations...

= 25x4+8
= 100+8
= 108

To simplify the expression 5^2x 4 + 2^3, we need to evaluate the exponents first.

Step 1: Evaluate 5^2x
To simplify the expression 5^2x, we need to apply the exponent 2 to the base 5.

5^2x = (5^2)^x = 25^x

Now we have simplified the first part of the expression.

Step 2: Simplify 25^x 4 + 2^3
Now we need to simplify 25^x 4 + 2^3. The exponent 4 applies to the entire term 25^x.

25^x 4 = (25^x)^4

Step 3: Evaluate (25^x)^4
To evaluate (25^x)^4, we need to apply the exponent 4 to the base 25^x.

(25^x)^4 = 25^(x*4) = 25^(4x)

Now we have simplified the expression to 25^(4x) + 2^3.

Step 4: Evaluate 25^(4x) + 2^3
To evaluate 25^(4x) + 2^3, we need to evaluate the exponents.

25^(4x) = (5^2)^(4x) = 5^(2*4x) = 5^(8x)

2^3 = 8

Now we have simplified the expression to 5^(8x) + 8.

Please note that the equation may require additional simplification depending on the context and specific requirements.