Ali reads 900.pages in 2 weeks and 3 days how many pages will he read in the month of 31 days?

900 / 17 = 52.9412 pages per day

52.9412 * 31 = _______ pages


To find out the number of pages Ali can read in a month of 31 days, we need to first determine his average daily reading rate.

Ali read 900 pages in a total of 2 weeks and 3 days. We can convert this into days by multiplying 2 weeks by 7 days per week, which gives us 14 days. Therefore, Ali read for a total of 14 + 3 = 17 days.

To calculate Ali's average daily reading rate, we divide the total number of pages read (900) by the number of days he read (17):

Average daily reading rate = 900 pages / 17 days

Now, we can calculate the estimated number of pages Ali will read in a month of 31 days by multiplying the average daily reading rate by 31:

Estimated pages in a month = Average daily reading rate * 31

Therefore, to find the number of pages Ali will read in the month of 31 days, we perform the following calculations:

Average daily reading rate = 900 pages / 17 days
Estimated pages in a month = Average daily reading rate * 31

By substituting the values, we get:

Average daily reading rate = 900 / 17 ≈ 52.94 pages per day
Estimated pages in a month ≈ 52.94 pages per day * 31 ≈ 1,640 pages

Therefore, Ali will read approximately 1,640 pages in a month of 31 days.