Arlene read 30 pages. That is 10 pages more than half of the pages Taylor read. How many pages did Taylor read?

Write an equation in the form px+q=r to represent this problem.

(2 points)

Let's assume that Taylor read x pages.

According to the problem, half of the pages Taylor read is x/2.
So, 10 pages more than half of the pages Taylor read is x/2 + 10.

The problem states that Arlene read 30 pages, which is equal to x/2 + 10.

Therefore, the equation that represents this problem is:

x/2 + 10 = 30

Let x represent the number of pages Taylor read.

Half of the pages Taylor read is x/2.

10 pages more than half of the pages Taylor read is (x/2) + 10.

Therefore, the equation is:

(x/2) + 10 = 30

Let's break down the information given in the problem:

1. Arlene read 30 pages.
2. Arlene read 10 pages more than half of the pages Taylor read.

Let's represent the number of pages Taylor read as a variable, say "x."

According to the problem, Arlene read 10 pages more than half of the pages Taylor read.

Half of the pages Taylor read is (1/2)x.

Adding 10 pages to half of the pages Taylor read gives us (1/2)x + 10.

Finally, we know that Arlene read 30 pages, so we can set up the equation as:

(1/2)x + 10 = 30.

To write this equation in the form px + q = r, we can multiply both sides of the equation by 2 to eliminate the fraction:

2 * (1/2)x + 2 * 10 = 2 * 30.

x + 20 = 60.

Simplifying this equation gives:

x + 20 = 60.

So the final equation in the form px + q = r is:

x + 20 = 60.

Arlene read 30 pages. That is 10 pages more than half of the pages Taylor read. How many pages did Taylor read?

Write an equation in the form px+q=r to represent this problem.

(2 points)

Cassandra measured her height as 63 inches. That is 6 inches less than 3 times her younger brother’s height. How tall is her younger brother?

Write an equation in the form px+q=r to represent this problem.

(2 points)