An example of a form of personal communication is (Points : 1)

The internet
Press conferences

What does your text say?

Press conferences

Why aren't these also forms of personal communications?

Internet -- social media and emails
Signage -- sign language for the deaf
Gifts --

i believe that that nthe above question is because there is no person to person communication.


An example of a form of personal communication from the options provided is press conferences. To understand why press conferences are considered a form of personal communication, let's examine the characteristics of each option:

1) The internet: The internet is a platform where information can be shared, but it is not considered a form of personal communication because it does not involve direct interaction between individuals.

2) Signage: Signage refers to the use of signs or symbols to convey information, but it is not a form of personal communication as it does not involve direct interaction between individuals.

3) Press conferences: Press conferences involve a spokesperson or public figure addressing journalists and answering their questions. This form of communication allows for direct interaction and personal exchange of information between the spokesperson and the journalists present.

4) Telemarketing: Telemarketing involves using telephone calls to promote products or services. While it may involve direct communication between a telemarketer and a potential customer, it is not considered personal communication as it is typically a scripted interaction and lacks personal connection.

5) Gifts: While gifts can be used as a means of communication, they are not considered a form of personal communication on their own. Personal communication involves verbal or written interaction between individuals.

Considering the options provided, press conferences best align with the concept of personal communication due to the direct interaction and exchange of information between the spokesperson and the journalists.