Based on the principals of asepsis, the healthcare provider should consider a sterile packet below waist level to be contaminated.

principals-asepsis-waist-to be
to be is wrong here bc its future tense .am i right?thanks

to be

Yes, you are correct. The phrase "to be" in the sentence is not grammatically correct because it is in the future tense. Instead, it should say "consider a sterile packet below waist level as contaminated" to maintain proper grammar.

To determine if the statement is accurate based on the principles of asepsis, let's break it down:

1. Principals: The term "principals" is likely a typographical error. The correct term should be "principles," which refers to the fundamental concepts or guidelines.
2. Asepsis: Asepsis is the practice of ensuring a sterile and clean environment in healthcare settings to prevent the spread of infections.
3. Below waist level: This phrase indicates a specific location or positioning.
4. Contaminated: Contamination refers to the introduction or presence of harmful microorganisms or substances in an otherwise sterile environment.

According to the principles of asepsis, sterile objects should be handled in a way that minimizes the risk of contamination. Thus, if a sterile packet is positioned below waist level, it may be considered contaminated since the area below the waist is more prone to contamination in healthcare settings. Therefore, the statement is accurate in the context of aseptic principles.

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This is the sentence you're studying, right?
Based on the principals of asepsis, the healthcare provider should consider a sterile packet below waist level to be contaminated.

These are your choices of words that might be incorrectly used in that sentence?
principals-asepsis-waist-to be

If so, the verb tenses in the original sentence are correct. Look up the other words at to make sure of their meanings before you decide.

Let us know what you find out.