A visual representation of daily life in the South during the American Civil War. The image should depict a scene of struggle and hardship. It might include elements such as impoverished families, people seeking out food, dilapidated buildings, soldiers returning home wounded, bare fields indicating poor harvest, and long queues in front of ration distribution centers. The scene should carry a somber tone, signifying the harsh conditions. Include various individuals with different genders and descents such as Caucasian, Hispanic, Black, Middle-Eastern, and South Asian all enduring the same hardships. One crucial point to remember is that the image should contain no text.

which of the following best describes daily life in the south during the civil war?

a.about the same as before the war because factories provided necessities

b.difficult but tolerable because most people did not experience major changes

c.better because the North tried unsuccessfully to block the ports

d.harsh because many people lacked basic necessities

is it D?



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Thank you Z money

Lol. February 2021 and February 2022....How perfectly odd.

Z money is still right feb 2022

This is phrased VERY broadly! It could be either B or D depending on many factors, such as ...

When and where during the war? Near the beginning? end? in cities? on farms? on plantations? which people? landowners? slaves? soldiers? townspeople who owned shops and stores?

You should go back into your text and re-read everything.


Z money is right, 100%

january 2024 connexus