The R.F of a map is 1/25000.Find the actual distance,in km,between two villages if the distance apart on the map is....

To find the actual distance between two villages given the RF (representative fraction) of a map and the distance apart on the map, you can use the following formula:

Actual Distance = Map Distance / RF

In this case, the RF of the map is 1/25000. Let's say the distance apart on the map is D map units (e.g., centimeters, inches, etc.).

To find the actual distance in kilometers, you need to convert the map distance to kilometers.

First, convert the map distance to meters by multiplying it by the scale factor. Since the RF is given as 1/25000, the scale factor is 25000. So, the map distance in meters (D_m) is:

D_m = (D map units) * (25000)

Next, convert the map distance in meters to kilometers by dividing it by 1000 since there are 1000 meters in a kilometer. So, the map distance in kilometers (D_km) is:

D_km = D_m / 1000

Finally, plug in the values to the formula to find the actual distance:

Actual Distance = D_km / RF

Substitute the values into the formula to find the actual distance in kilometers between the two villages.