Which lily? What is its name?

I am doing a project on a lily and i need to know if it reproduces asexually, sexually or both
a lilium -lily

To determine if a specific lily, such as Lilium, reproduces asexually, sexually, or both, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by researching the specific lily species within the Lilium genus that you are studying. Look for reputable sources such as scientific journals, botanical databases, or botanical garden websites for accurate information.

2. Read about the reproductive methods employed by the lily species. Reproduction in plants can occur thual or asexual means, or sometimes through a combination of both.

3. Look for information on how the lily species reproduces sexually. This generally involves the transfer of pollen from the stamen (the male reproductive organ) to the stigma (the female reproductive organ) of the flower, leading to fertilization and seed production.

4. Explore whether the lily species has any asexual reproductive methods. Asexual reproduction in plants can occur through mechanisms such as bulb division, rhizome growth, or bulbils formation. This allows the lily to produce new plants without the involvement of seeds or sexual reproduction.

5. Take note of any specific examples or methods of asexual or sexual reproduction mentioned for the particular lily species you are researching. This will help you understand the primary mode of reproduction for that specific lily.

6. Compile the information you have gathered and make a conclusion regarding the reproductive methods of the lily species you are studying. Based on your research, you can determine if the lily species reproduces asexually, sexually, or both.

Remember, precise information about a specific lily's reproductive mode and its name would require a more specific inquiry or detailed research on the particular species of Lilium you are investigating for your project.