i just some science questions but there not for school.

1. five volcanic eruptions and what are the locations of these eruptions. Did they occur in the middle of a plate or near a plate boundary? What were the effects of these eruptions on the surrounding environment?

Google volcanic eruptions.

i did but nothing showed up that helped

How many sites did you open and read?

all of them on the tab i searched

please help me i need help on these questions. I want to know the answers.

If you're over 12, you need to learn to find your answers online. If the first search terms don't work, try others. Did you try the other suggested search terms at the bottom of the Google search page?

uhhhh i am 10 and in 5th grade and home schooled

Please ask your home school teacher to help you.

she is busy

Be patient. Wait until she's not busy.

i cant when she is done she is going to go to bed so i cant wait.