A private plane traveled from Seattle to a rugged​ wilderness, at an average speed of 420 mph. On the return​ trip, the average speed was 300mph. If the total traveling time was 6 ​hours, how far is Seattle from the​ wilderness?

let the distance from Seattle to wilderness be x miles

x/420 + x/300 = 6
times 2100 the LCM
5x + 7x = 12600
x = 1050 miles

To find the distance between Seattle and the wilderness, we can use the formula:

Distance = Speed × Time

Let's assume the distance from Seattle to the wilderness is represented by D miles.

On the outbound trip, the plane traveled at an average speed of 420 mph, so the time taken for this trip can be calculated using the formula:

Time = Distance / Speed

Therefore, the time for the outbound trip can be expressed as:

Time(outbound) = D / 420

On the return trip, the average speed was 300 mph, so the time taken for this trip can be calculated using the formula:

Time = Distance / Speed

Therefore, the time for the return trip can be expressed as:

Time(return) = D / 300

The total traveling time is given as 6 hours, so we can write the equation:

Time(outbound) + Time(return) = 6

Substituting the expressions for the time calculations, we get:

D/420 + D/300 = 6

To solve this equation, we can find a common denominator and then simplify:

(300D + 420D) / (300 * 420) = 6

720D / 126000 = 6

Cross-multiplying and solving for D:

720D = 6 * 126000

D = (6 * 126000) / 720

D ≈ 1050 miles

Therefore, Seattle is approximately 1050 miles from the wilderness.