What is the smallest integer of c that satisfies the inequality of 3c-7 > 5c+4

Many thanks.

3c-7 > 5c+4

3c - 5c > 4+7
-2c > 11
c < -11/2 or c < -5.5

so the smallest integer that is a solution is c = -6

if c = -6,
-18 - 7 > -30+4
-25 > -36 , true!
if c = -5
-15-7> -25+4
-22 > -21 , false

This is what I got I was just unsure if it was right, thank you.

To find the smallest integer value of c that satisfies the inequality 3c - 7 > 5c + 4, we first need to simplify the inequality.

Let's start by subtracting 5c from both sides:
3c - 7 - 5c > 5c + 4 - 5c

Simplifying further:
-2c - 7 > 4

Next, let's isolate -2c by adding 7 to both sides:
-2c - 7 + 7 > 4 + 7

Simplifying further:
-2c > 11

Now, to solve for c, we need to divide both sides of the inequality by -2. However, when dividing an inequality by a negative number, we need to flip the inequality sign. Therefore:
-2c / -2 < 11 / -2

Simplifying further:
c < -11/2

Therefore, the smallest integer value of c that satisfies the inequality is c = -6.