Since Greenwich, England is on the prime meridian, which of the following is a line of longitude that would be found in North America?

45° N
30° S
70° E
100° W


To determine which of the given options represents a line of longitude that would be found in North America, we need to understand longitude and its relationship to the prime meridian.

Longitude is the measurement of distance east or west of the prime meridian, which passes through Greenwich, England. The prime meridian itself has a longitude of 0 degrees. Lines of longitude are measured up to 180 degrees east or west of the prime meridian.

Given this information, we can analyze each option:

a. 45° N: This represents a line of latitude, not longitude. The N indicates north.

c. 30° S: This also represents a line of latitude, not longitude. The S indicates south.

b. 70° E: This represents a line of longitude, but it represents a position east of the prime meridian, not in North America.

d. 100° W: This represents a line of longitude, and it represents a point west of the prime meridian. North America is primarily west of the prime meridian, so this option is the correct answer.

Therefore, the correct answer is d. 100° W.

well, surely you know that

(a) N-S directions are latitude
(b) N.A. is west of England...