a. Evaluate the following. Remember to use the order of operation

16 ٪ (-2) • (-4)
23 + 4
b. Explain the steps taken

a. To evaluate the expression 16 % (-2) • (-4) ÷ (23 + 4), we need to follow the order of operations (also known as PEMDAS).

PEMDAS stands for:
1. Parentheses
2. Exponents
3. Multiplication and Division, from left to right
4. Addition and Subtraction, from left to right

Let's break down the expression step by step:

1. First, we deal with the parentheses. In this case, there are no parentheses present.

2. Next, we handle the multiplication. Since there are no explicit multiplication symbols shown, we can assume that the expression is asking for the product of each term. Therefore, we have:

16 % (-2) = -2
-2 • (-4) = 8

After simplifying the multiplication, the expression becomes:

8 ÷ (23 + 4)

3. Moving on to the addition inside the parentheses, we have:

23 + 4 = 27

The expression now becomes:

8 ÷ 27

4. Finally, we perform the division:

8 ÷ 27 ≈ 0.296 (rounded to three decimal places)

b. The steps taken to evaluate the expression were:
1. Check for parentheses (none present in this case).
2. Simplify the multiplication from left to right.
3. Simplify the addition inside the parentheses.
4. Perform the division to obtain the final result.