What does lmao mean?

Imao is a typo for Lmao, which you can google. It is common in text conversations with despicables.

it means luaghing my !@#$%^& off

how is this a question

"Lmao" is an acronym that stands for "laughing my off." It is often used in informal communication, such as texting or social media, to express amusement or strong laughter. If you come across an acronym that you don't understand, there are a few ways you can find the meaning:

1. Context: Look for clues in the surrounding words or conversation. In the case of "lmao," if someone uses it in response to something funny, it's likely meant to convey laughter.

2. Online search: You can simply search for the acronym on a search engine like Google or Bing. Type in "lmao meaning" and you should find explanations or definitions of the term.

3. Acronym dictionaries: There are several online dictionaries dedicated to explaining the meanings of acronyms and slang terms. Websites like Urban Dictionary or Acronym Finder specialize in providing definitions for terms like "lmao."

Remember, slang and acronyms can vary depending on time, location, and social context, so it's always helpful to consider the context in which an acronym is being used.