How do you diagram the sentence , The little girls adorn themselves with chains of dandelions.I hope this is alright if I cannot shew my work on the computer , but I shewed my work at home and just wanted to see if I got it correct. But just wanted to let you know that this is not homework I am just studying .


The little girls adorn themselves with chains of dandelions.

girls | adorned | themselves

The and little are adjectives and are placed on slanted lines under girls.

With chains is a prepositional phrase and placed under adorn.

of dandelions is a prepositional phrase under chains.

To diagram the sentence "The little girls adorn themselves with chains of dandelions," you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the subject and the main verb:
- The subject of the sentence is "The little girls."
- The main verb is "adorn."

Step 2: Determine the direct object:
- The direct object of the verb "adorn" is "themselves."

Step 3: Identify any prepositional phrases:
- The prepositional phrase in this sentence is "with chains of dandelions."
- The object of the preposition is "chains," and the prepositional phrase modifies the verb "adorn."

Here's how you can represent the sentence in a basic diagram:

The little girls ----> themselves (direct object)
chains of dandelions

Each line represents a relationship between the words in the sentence. The arrows show the subject-verb relationship, while the vertical line represents the object of the verb. The prepositional phrase is shown with the horizontal line connected to the verb.

Keep in mind that different diagramming techniques vary, so this is just one way to represent the sentence. Feel free to adjust the diagram to match the guidelines or style you've learned.