HELP!!! I am soooo lost.... I don't understand anything....I can't really show what I am doing because it has a picture but the direction is:

Show an organized proof with justification for every step. Given:Parallelogram ABCD Prove: angel 1 + angel 2= 180 degrees...

if someone can explain what I am suppose to do I really appreciate it... there is like a graph to it that looks like a tick tack toe board...

Draw the parallelogram with top and bottom horizontal and the left and right edges slanted up to the right.

Draw the lines at the edges out beyond the parallelogram.
Now look at the more or less vertical edge on the left.
Call the lower inside angle = A
Now that left edge goes up and crosses the top edge of the parallelogram.
The upper right angle at that intersection at the top will also be A because a line crossing two parallel lines forms equal interior angles.
But that angle plus the angle inside the parallelogram at that upper intersection form a straight line, the left edge of the parallelogram.
Two angles that add up to a straight line are supplementary, they add up to 180 degrees.

Once you do that you can do it for any of the corners if your drawing looks different.

It seems like you're struggling with a geometry proof involving a parallelogram and finding the sum of two angles. Here's a step-by-step explanation of how to approach this problem:

1. Begin by drawing a diagram of the given parallelogram, ABCD. Make sure to label the vertices and any relevant angles.

2. Look for any theorems, properties, or definitions that you can apply to solve this problem. In this case, you can use the interior angles of a parallelogram theorem, which states that the opposite angles in a parallelogram are congruent.

3. Identify angle 1 and angle 2 in the diagram. One way to determine these angles is to draw diagonal AC within the parallelogram. Angle 1 will be formed by the intersection of diagonal AC and side AB, while angle 2 will be formed by the intersection of diagonal AC and side CD.

4. Now, you can set up the proof by stating "Given: Parallelogram ABCD." This establishes the starting point for your proof.

5. Next, state the theorem that you will be using, which is the interior angles of a parallelogram theorem. It says that opposite angles in a parallelogram are congruent.

6. To prove angle 1 + angle 2 = 180 degrees, you need to show that angle 1 and angle 2 are supplementary angles (angles that add up to 180 degrees). To do this, state "Proof: By the Interior Angles of a Parallelogram Theorem, angle 1 is congruent to angle 3 and angle 2 is congruent to angle 4."

7. Now, refer to your diagram and notice that angles 3 and 4 are adjacent angles formed when diagonal AC intersects. Since adjacent angles are supplementary, you can state "By the definition of supplementary angles, angle 3 and angle 4 are supplementary angles."

8. Finally, conclude your proof by stating "Therefore, angle 1 + angle 2 = angle 3 + angle 4 = 180 degrees."

Remember to always provide clear and justified reasons for each step in your proof. This way, you can show a logical progression of the statement you want to prove.