1. What are protists? (1 point)

prokaryotes that are part of domain Archaea
eukaryotes that are not part of the plant, animal, or fungi kingdoms
single-celled organisms that belong to the plant, animal, and fungi kingdoms
single-celled eukaryotes that are part of the plant and fungi kingdoms
2. How are protists related to other eukaryotes? (1 point)
Today’s protists and plants, fungi, and animals have an ancient common ancestor.
Protists evolved from bacteria while the other eukaryotes evolved from archaea.
Today’s protists gave rise to plants, fungi, and animals.
Today’s protists arose from ancient plants, fungi, and animals.
3. To move, nonmotile protists depend on (1 point)
air or water currents and other organisms.
cytoplasmic projections.
cilia and flagella.

Figure 21-2
4. The organism shown in Figure 21–2 is an example of (1 point)
a flagellate.
a ciliate.
an amoeba.
a spore-forming protist.
5. During what process do two protists exchange genetic material? (1 point)
cell division

My answers are

1. b
2. a
3. a
4. a
5. c

Ok to avoid confusion these are the answers for Protists 1

1. B
2. A
3. A
4. A
5. C

Lesson 5: Protists: 1

Biology B unit 2
1. What are Protists?
Answer: B eukaryotes that are not part
2. How are protists related to other eukaryotes?

Answer: A Today's Protists and Plants

3. To move, nonmotile Protists depend on.
Answer: A air or water currents and other organisms

4. Figure 21-2
Answer: A a flagellate

5. During what process do two Protists exchange genetic material?
Answer: C conjugation


B, A, A, A, C. 100%

Those are right

Lesson 5: Protists: 1 bio A unit 4 its b a a a c

Correct ^^ Thank you

OK you guys for lesson 5 protists the answers are B A A A C hope that sums up some confusion 🙂

Lesson 5: Protists: 1 Bio A, Unit 5: From Microorganisms to Plants (Highschool, Grade 9)

1. B
2. A
3. A
4. A
5. C

thanks becky!