1. Which of the following transitions shows a comparison?

A. although
B. however
C. just as**
D. whereas

2. Which answer option best revises the sentences for transition use?

Sentence: You can get to the beach by car. You can ride your bike to the beach

A. You can get to the beach by car. However, you can also ride your bike to the beach.**
B. You can get to the beach by car, if you can ride your bike to the beach.
C. Just as you can get to the beach by car, you can ride your bike to the beach.
D. You can get to the beach by car. While you can ride your bike to the beach.

nvm here are the answers for Compare Video and Text quick check, in Unit 9 Lesson 18.

1: books and audiobooks have settings, plots, and characters.
2: hear the emphasis and phrasing the narrator uses.
3: watching the movies.
4: perform a personal reading

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