3. A house wife uses “a fire tong pair” of length 20cm to lift a piece of burning coal of mass 200gm. If she applies force at a distance of 5cm from the fulcrum, what is her effort? If the efficiency of the fire tong is 100% . find it M.A and V. R.

To find the effort applied by the housewife, we can use the concept of mechanical advantage (MA). Mechanical advantage is the ratio of the output force (effort) to the input force (load). In this case, the input force is the weight of the burning coal.

First, let's find the weight of the burning coal. The weight of an object can be calculated using the equation:

Weight = Mass x gravitational acceleration

Given that the mass of the burning coal is 200g (or 0.2kg) and the gravitational acceleration is approximately 9.8 m/s^2, we can calculate the weight:

Weight = 0.2kg x 9.8m/s^2 = 1.96N

Now, let's find the mechanical advantage (MA). The formula for mechanical advantage in a lever system is:

MA = Load arm / Effort arm

In this case, the length of the load arm is the distance from the fulcrum to the point where the coal is being lifted, which is 20cm. The length of the effort arm is the distance from the fulcrum to where the effort is being applied, which is 5cm.

MA = 20cm / 5cm = 4

Therefore, the mechanical advantage (MA) is 4.

Next, let's find the effort applied by the housewife. Since the efficiency of the fire tong is given as 100%, it means there are no energy losses in the system. Therefore, the effort will be equal to the weight of the load.

Effort = Weight = 1.96N

Finally, let's find the V.R (Velocity Ratio). The velocity ratio is the ratio of the distance moved by the effort to the distance moved by the load.

V.R = Load distance / Effort distance

In this case, the load distance is 20cm and the effort distance is 5cm.

V.R = 20cm / 5cm = 4

Therefore, the Velocity Ratio (V.R) is 4.