Top player's scoring average changes from 20 points per game to 24 points per game. What is the percentage of increase.

I think 2??

what is 4/20 * 100?

To find the percentage increase, we can use the formula:

Percentage Increase = [(New Value - Old Value) / Old Value] * 100

In this case, the old scoring average is 20 points per game, and the new scoring average is 24 points per game.

Using the formula:

Percentage Increase = [(24 - 20) / 20] * 100
Percentage Increase = (4 / 20) * 100
Percentage Increase = 0.2 * 100
Percentage Increase = 20

Therefore, the correct answer is 20%, option 1.

To calculate the percentage increase, you can use the following formula:

Percentage Increase = (New Value - Old Value) / Old Value * 100

In this case, the old value is 20 points per game, and the new value is 24 points per game.

Percentage Increase = (24 - 20) / 20 * 100
Percentage Increase = 4 / 20 * 100
Percentage Increase = 0.2 * 100
Percentage Increase = 20%

So, the correct answer is 1: 20% increase.