What does the vocabulary word "purl" mean?

a.) to spin in place
b.) a lustrous gem found in sea mollusks
c.) swirl

I cannot decide if it's a or c, even after researching the word and looking at synonyms. Can anyone help?

It's c

Yes, C is right.

Yup C

Certainly, I'd be happy to help you determine the meaning of the vocabulary word "purl." To do this, let's break down the process of finding the answer step by step.

1. Consult a reliable dictionary: One of the first and most reliable sources to consult when seeking the definition of a word is a dictionary. In this case, we can look up the word "purl" in a reputable dictionary to get the accurate meaning.

2. Cross-reference multiple dictionaries: To ensure accuracy and fully understand the word's meaning, it's often helpful to cross-reference the definition across multiple dictionaries. Different dictionaries might provide slightly different nuances or additional information that can further clarify the meaning.

3. Examine the context: Sometimes the context in which the word is used can provide clues about its meaning. By looking at how "purl" is used in sentences or phrases, we can gain a better understanding of its intended definition.

4. Consider related terms or synonyms: In some cases, exploring related terms or synonyms can help shed light on the meaning of a specific word. By looking at similar words or phrases, you may find connections or distinctions that can clarify the intended meaning of "purl."

Now, let's go through these steps and find the meaning of "purl."

Step 1: Dictionary definition
According to the Oxford English Dictionary, "purl" is primarily a knitting term, referring to a straight stitch made from back to front or vice versa on the wrong side of a garment.

Step 2: Cross-referencing
Other reputable dictionaries, such as Merriam-Webster, confirm that "purl" is indeed a knitting term, indicating a basic stitch in knitting.

Step 3: Context
Without context, it is difficult to definitively determine the correct meaning of "purl." However, in this case, considering that the options provided in your question (a, b, and c) all seem unrelated to knitting, it is less likely that "purl" refers to a spinning or swirling action.

Step 4: Synonyms and related terms
Exploring related terms and synonyms can further reinforce the knitting-related meaning of "purl." For example, in knitting terminology, "purl" is often paired with "knit" to describe different types of stitches.

Based on these steps, it seems that "purl" is most likely related to knitting and refers to a basic stitch in that context.

Hence, the correct meaning of the vocabulary word "purl" in this case is a.) a stitch made in knitting.