What do you think was the most important legacy of ancient Greece? Explain and give specific examples from your reading to support your answer.

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Writeteacher is right, you had to post an specific question. But I'll help you a little anyways.


The most important legacy of ancient Greece is undoubtedly its influence on Western civilization. Greece was the birthplace of many foundational concepts and ideas that still shape our world today. To provide a comprehensive understanding, I'll explain a few prominent legacies and provide specific examples:

1. Democracy: Ancient Greece introduced and developed the concept of democracy, where citizens have a say in the decision-making process. Athens, in particular, is often referred to as the cradle of democracy. The Athenian democracy allowed all eligible citizens to participate in the Assembly, where they could debate and vote on laws. This idea of citizen participation in governance significantly influenced modern democratic systems around the world.

2. Philosophy: Ancient Greek philosophers laid the groundwork for Western philosophy. Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle are hailed as the most influential thinkers of the time. They explored fundamental questions about existence, ethics, and knowledge, establishing the basis of critical thinking and logic. For instance, Socrates' Socratic Method, which involves questioning assumptions and pursuing knowledge, is still used in education today.

3. Science and Mathematics: The Greeks made significant contributions to the fields of science and mathematics. Archimedes, for example, made groundbreaking discoveries in geometry and physics. The Pythagorean theorem, attributed to Pythagoras, holds profound importance in mathematics and is used extensively in various disciplines.

4. Literature and Drama: Greek literature and drama, especially epic poems like the Iliad and the Odyssey by Homer, continue to be widely studied and revered for their storytelling techniques, themes, and literary devices. Greek tragedies, such as those written by Sophocles and Euripides, explore fundamental human experiences and emotions, providing a timeless understanding of the human condition. The impact of Greek drama can be seen in theater and storytelling techniques throughout history.

5. Art and Architecture: Ancient Greek art and architecture have influenced countless generations. The Greeks perfected the art of sculpture, creating realistic and lifelike statues that captured the human form and spirit. Works by sculptors like Phidias and Praxiteles showcase extraordinary skill and aesthetic sensibility. Greek architectural principles, such as the use of columns and symmetry, continue to inspire architecture around the world, including iconic structures like the Parthenon.

These examples are just a glimpse of the vast and enduring legacy of ancient Greece. By understanding and appreciating the achievements of the ancient Greeks, we can better appreciate how their ideas and advancements have shaped our current society and continue to impact future generations.