1cm=4miles. How many miles is 280cm^2?

1cm = 4 mi.

1cm^2 = 16mi^2.
280cm^2 = 4480mi^2.

4mi/cm * sqrt(4480mi^2)

The above data was accidently posted;

Please disregard it.

Henry are you saying it is wrong answer?

To find out how many miles are in 280 square centimeters (cm²), we need to use the given conversion of 1 cm = 4 miles. However, it's important to note that the conversion of length (cm) to area (cm²) doesn't directly apply to converting the area to miles.

To convert the area from cm² to miles², we need to convert the length from centimeters to miles first, and then square the result. Let's break it down into steps:

Step 1: Convert cm to miles
Since 1 cm = 4 miles, we can calculate how many miles are in 280 cm by multiplying it by the conversion factor:
280 cm * (4 miles/1 cm) = 1120 miles

Step 2: Square the result
To convert the length of 1120 miles to area in miles², we need to square the value:
1120 miles * 1120 miles = 1,254,400 miles²

Therefore, 280 cm² is equal to 1,254,400 square miles (miles²).