Mary is getting paid $383.00 every two weeks at her job. How much does she make hourly?

How would I figure this out?

if she works 40 hours per week (we are just guessing that), then she worked 80 hours for $383

383/80 = $4.7875 per hour

Thank You.

To figure out how much Mary makes hourly, you need to divide her biweekly salary by the number of hours she works in two weeks.

1. Determine the number of hours Mary works in two weeks:
- If Mary works full-time and her job follows a standard 40-hour workweek, then she would work a total of 80 hours in two weeks (40 hours per week x 2 weeks).
- However, if Mary works part-time or has irregular hours, you will need to know the exact number of hours she works in two weeks.

2. Divide Mary's biweekly salary by the number of hours she works in two weeks:
- Divide $383.00 by the number of hours Mary works in two weeks to find her hourly rate.

For example, if Mary works 80 hours in two weeks, her hourly rate would be:
$383.00 / 80 hours = $4.79 per hour.

Keep in mind that this calculation assumes Mary does not receive any additional benefits or overtime pay, and it is based solely on her salary and number of hours worked in two weeks.