Which of the following sentences contains a prepositional phrase that acts as an adjective?

Jillian ran around the track as fast as she could

Seth waited on the corner for the bus to arrive
The house on top of the hill looked abandoned
The squirrel sensing danger hid behind a tree

The third sentence has two prepositional phrases that act as adjectives.

Thank you so much Ms Sue!

You're welcome, David.

To determine which of the following sentences contains a prepositional phrase acting as an adjective, we need to first understand what a prepositional phrase is and how it functions.

A prepositional phrase consists of a preposition and its associated object, along with any modifiers. It typically provides additional information about a noun or pronoun in a sentence.

Now, let's examine the given sentences to identify the one that contains a prepositional phrase acting as an adjective:

1. "The book on the shelf is mine."
2. "I ate lunch with my friends."
3. "The dog ran around the park."
4. "The car parked beside the building is red."

In sentence 1, the prepositional phrase "on the shelf" modifies the noun "book," indicating its location. However, it functions as an adverb phrase, modifying the verb "is."

In sentence 2, the prepositional phrase "with my friends" modifies the verb "ate," indicating the company during the action. It is acting as an adverbial phrase, not an adjective.

In sentence 3, the prepositional phrase "around the park" modifies the verb "ran," indicating the place or direction of the action. It also functions as an adverbial phrase, not an adjective.

In sentence 4, the prepositional phrase "beside the building" modifies the noun "car," describing its location. This prepositional phrase acts as an adjective phrase, providing additional information about the car.

Therefore, the sentence that contains a prepositional phrase acting as an adjective is sentence 4: "The car parked beside the building is red."