How does birth control affect our world population?

Please give me a list of ideas, no sites please

I know it helps reduce population growth rate but please tell me more about countries who don't have birth control and what it results in etc..
Thanks :)

What do you think happens when a couple doesn't use birth control, but has a normal sex life?

If a family or a country has more children than it can support, the child's health and education suffers. Often these people end up in perpetual poverty.

Birth control can have a significant impact on world population in several ways. Here are some ideas to consider:

1. Slowing population growth: Birth control methods allow individuals to plan, space, or limit the number of children they have, which helps to slow down population growth rates. By preventing unplanned pregnancies, birth control helps reduce the number of births that would otherwise contribute to population growth.

2. Empowering women: Access to birth control is closely linked to women's reproductive empowerment. When women have the ability to choose when and how many children to have, they can prioritize education, career, and overall well-being. This, in turn, can lead to a decline in fertility rates and contribute to lower population growth.

3. Economic benefits: Lower population growth resulting from birth control can have positive economic effects. When population growth is slowed down, it becomes easier to provide essential resources such as healthcare, education, and employment opportunities to individuals. It also enables governments to allocate resources more efficiently, leading to economic growth and development.

Now, regarding countries where access to birth control is limited or nonexistent, several challenges arise:

1. Overpopulation: In countries with limited access to birth control, unplanned or unintended pregnancies occur more frequently, leading to higher birth rates. This can result in overpopulation, straining resources such as food, water, housing, and healthcare. Additionally, overpopulation can exacerbate poverty and inequalities.

2. Health risks: Without access to birth control, individuals may resort to unsafe and unreliable methods of contraception or abortion, which can increase the risk of maternal mortality and complications. Lack of family planning options also negatively impacts maternal and child health outcomes.

3. Increased poverty: High fertility rates in countries without birth control can contribute to poverty. When families have more children than they can adequately support, it becomes challenging to provide basic necessities such as food, healthcare, and education. This perpetuates poverty cycles and hinders socioeconomic development.

Remember, these ideas are generalizations, and the impact of birth control can vary greatly between countries and regions. It is critical to consider various socio-cultural, political, and economic factors when examining the effects of birth control on world population.