What type of population pyramid would a nation most likely

have if it had a high birth rate 30 years ago and has a low
birth rate now? (1 point)


A nation that had a high birth rate 30 years ago and now has a low birth rate would most likely have a constrictive population pyramid.

To determine the type of population pyramid a nation would most likely have in this scenario, we need to understand the relationship between birth rates and different types of population pyramids.

A population pyramid is a graphical representation of a country's age and sex composition of its population. It displays the distribution of people across different age groups, typically divided into five-year intervals. The shape of a population pyramid is closely linked to the birth and death rates in a particular country.

In this scenario, there was a high birth rate 30 years ago, but now there is a low birth rate. This implies that the number of births has significantly decreased over time. Based on this information, we can determine the most likely type of population pyramid:

1. Expansive Population Pyramid: This type of pyramid is characterized by a broad base, indicating a high proportion of young individuals, and gradually narrowing towards the top, indicating a decreasing number of older individuals. Since there was a high birth rate 30 years ago, we would expect to see a large number of individuals in the younger age groups if an expansive pyramid was present. However, since the birth rate has now decreased, the younger age groups would not be as prominent. Therefore, the expansive population pyramid is less likely to be the correct answer.

2. Stationary Population Pyramid: This type of pyramid has a fairly equal distribution of age groups, with relatively consistent numbers across different age ranges. A stationary pyramid is typically associated with a stable population, where birth and death rates are relatively balanced. Since the scenario mentions a high birth rate 30 years ago and a low birth rate now, it suggests that the population is not stable or in equilibrium. Therefore, a stationary population pyramid is less likely in this case.

3. Constrictive Population Pyramid: This type of pyramid is characterized by a narrow base, indicating a low proportion of young individuals, and gradually narrowing towards the top, indicating a decreasing number of older individuals. Given that there was a high birth rate 30 years ago but a low birth rate now, it suggests that the younger age groups would be smaller in comparison to older age groups. Therefore, a constrictive population pyramid is a possible answer.

4. Improving Population Pyramid: The "improving" population pyramid is not a commonly used term to describe a specific type of population pyramid. Therefore, it is less likely to be the correct answer.

Based on the information provided, the population pyramid that a nation would most likely have in this scenario is a constrictive population pyramid.