Mark plays basketball and he scored 6 times in 8 shots. He says odds in favour of him scoring are 3:4 is he right? Explain.

I said he is wrong because 6/8=3/4 which is the probability and the odds in favour for him scoring are 3:1.

Am I right?

Why would it be 3:1

I would think it's 3:4

prob(score) = 6/8 = 3/4

prob(not score) = 1/4

odds in favour of scoring = (3/4) : 1/4)
= 3 : 1

you are right.

Yes, you are correct. The odds in favor of Mark scoring can be calculated by dividing the number of successful outcomes (scoring) by the number of unsuccessful outcomes (not scoring). In this case, Mark scored 6 times out of 8 shots. Therefore, the odds in favor of him scoring would be 6:2 or simplified as 3:1, indicating that for every 3 successful shots, there is 1 unsuccessful shot.

On the other hand, probability is calculated by dividing the number of successful outcomes by the total number of possible outcomes. In this case, the probability of Mark scoring is 6/8, which also simplifies to 3/4. So, you correctly evaluated the probability as 3/4 but identified the odds in favor as 3:1.