1. Giraffes have long necks that allow them to reach more food sources in their habitat. The long neck trait is an example of

A. selection.

B. adaptation.

C. radiation.

D. homology.

2. Which of the following is the most common kind of chemical bond in biological molecules?

A. Covalent

B. Ionic

C. Delocalized

D. Unsaturated

3. A cylinder and an airtight piston are used in the following experiment. The piston is pushed up and down in the cylinder and the resulting pressure of the air inside the cylinder is measured with a pressure gauge. The results of the experiment are recorded in the following table: Volume of Air (L) Pressure Reading (Atm) 8 1 4 2 2 4 1 8 A hypothesis concerning the apparatus is stated as follows: "When the volume of the cylinder is decreased, the pressure is increased." Which of the following statements is true?

A. The hypothesis is supported by the experimental data.

B. The hypothesis is refuted by the experimental data.

C. The hypothesis is not addressed by the experiment.

D. There is not enough information to make a judgment about the hypothesis.

4. Which of the following procedures is an appropriate negative control for testing the hypothesis that air contains bread mold spores?

A. Seal slices of bread in a container to minimize air contact.

B. Place slices of bread in a refrigerated environment.

C. Add ingredients to the bread recipe that will slow mold growth.

D. Expose a different mold-supporting medium to air.

5. A researcher wants to develop a new pharmaceutical compound to treat pain. Which of the following strategies will likely be the most effective process?

A. Test extracts from newly discovered plants for pain-killing substances.

B. Read anthropological studies to discover plants identified to relieve pain.

C. Study molecular structures of existing pain medications and make structural analogs.

D. Research the pain receptors of people who have unusually high pain thresholds.

6. The main function of lymphatic circulation is to

A. transport hormones around the body.

B. provide immune functions for protection.

C. provide a backup for systemic circulation.

D. transport nutrients and oxygen to cells.

7. For which of the following temperature scales is 0° equal to the freezing point of water?

A. Kelvin

B. Fahrenheit

C. Celsius

D. Newton

8. Which of the following is an appropriate description of the arrangement of the cell membrane?

A. Fluid phospholipid bilayer containing embedded proteins

B. Rigid carbohydrate bilayer containing embedded phospholipids

C. Rigid layer of phospholipids with proteins on the outer surface

D. Layers of protein and carbohydrates forming a fluid structure

9. Which of the following is the mechanism by which water is reabsorbed in the renal nephrons?

A. Osmosis

B. Filtration

C. Active transport

D. lon exchange ?

10. A study demonstrates that treatment of peptic ulcers with antibiotics results in improvement in a large number of patients. This implies that

A. antibiotics neutralize stomach acid.

B. these ulcers are caused by a bacterial infection.

C. pressure ulcers can be treated in the same manner.

D. antibiotics should be prescribed to prevent ulcers.

What is your thinking on these?

I think

1. a
5.c ?

9. A


1. B

2 A
3 A
4 B
5 D
6 A
7 C
8 A
9 B

1. The correct answer is B. adaptation. Giraffes have long necks, which is an adaptation that has evolved over time to help them reach food sources in tall trees. This trait increases their chances of survival and reproduction in their habitat.

2. The correct answer is A. Covalent. Covalent bonds are the most common type of chemical bond in biological molecules. These bonds occur when atoms share electrons in order to achieve a stable electron configuration.

3. The correct answer is A. The hypothesis is supported by the experimental data. The data in the table show that as the volume of the cylinder decreases, the pressure increases. This supports the hypothesis that there is a relationship between the volume and pressure in the experiment.

4. The correct answer is A. Seal slices of bread in a container to minimize air contact. In order to test the hypothesis that air contains bread mold spores, it is important to have a negative control group that eliminates exposure to air. By sealing the bread slices in a container, air contact is minimized, which allows for comparison with slices of bread exposed to air.

5. The correct answer is C. Study molecular structures of existing pain medications and make structural analogs. By studying the molecular structures of existing pain medications, researchers can identify key features that contribute to their pain-relieving effects. They can then make structural analogs, which are similar compounds with slight modifications, to develop new pharmaceutical compounds with improved pain-killing properties.

6. The correct answer is B. provide immune functions for protection. The lymphatic system is responsible for immune functions such as filtering and removing harmful substances from the body, producing and transporting immune cells, and helping to fight infections and diseases.

7. The correct answer is C. Celsius. The Celsius temperature scale is widely used in scientific and everyday measurements. On the Celsius scale, 0°C is equal to the freezing point of water, while 100°C is equal to the boiling point of water.

8. The correct answer is A. Fluid phospholipid bilayer containing embedded proteins. The cell membrane consists of a fluid phospholipid bilayer in which proteins are embedded. The phospholipids form a flexible and dynamic structure that allows for the movement of molecules into and out of the cell.

9. The correct answer is A. Osmosis. In the renal nephrons, water is reabsorbed primarily through the process of osmosis. Osmosis is the movement of water molecules from an area of lower solute concentration to an area of higher solute concentration across a semi-permeable membrane.

10. The correct answer is B. These ulcers are caused by a bacterial infection. If the treatment of peptic ulcers with antibiotics results in improvement in a large number of patients, it implies that the ulcers are caused by a bacterial infection. By targeting and eliminating the bacteria with antibiotics, the ulcers can be treated effectively. This finding suggests that antibiotics should be prescribed as a treatment for peptic ulcers.

1- a

2- a
3- a
4- a
5- c
6- a
7- c
8- a
9- b
10- b