1.) Over time, giraffes with comparably longer necks continued to survive and reproduce because they were able to reach above the other animals and eat leaves at the top of trees. This is an example of ____.

2.) Labrador retrievers can have yellow, black, or brown fur colors. This is an example of ______.

3.) Webbed feet help ducks swim. Webbed feet are an example of an ____.

4.) In a semi-aquatic habitat, the bird population relies on fish as their food source. The amount of fish that live in this habitat is an example of a _____.
a. adapation
b.selective pressure
c. natural selection
d. genetic variation

5.) The ability of some bacteria to develop resistance to antibiotics over time is an example of _____.

a. adaptation
b. selective pressure
c. natural selection
d. genetic variation

1.) This is an example of natural selection. Over time, giraffes with longer necks were better able to survive and reproduce because they had a advantageous trait that allowed them to access a food source (leaves at the top of trees) that other animals couldn't reach.

2.) This is an example of genetic variation. Labrador retrievers can have different fur colors due to genetic variation within the breed.

3.) This is an example of an adaptation. Ducks have webbed feet, which are specialized features that help them swim more efficiently in water.

4.) This is an example of a selective pressure. The availability of fish as a food source in the semi-aquatic habitat puts selective pressure on the bird population, influencing their survival and evolution.

1.) Over time, giraffes with comparably longer necks continued to survive and reproduce because they were able to reach above the other animals and eat leaves at the top of trees. This is an example of natural selection.

Natural selection is the process by which certain traits become more or less common in a population over time due to their influence on survival and reproduction. In the case of giraffes, those individuals with longer necks had an advantage over those with shorter necks because they were able to access food at a greater height. As a result, the giraffes with longer necks were more likely to survive and pass on their genes to the next generation, leading to the gradual increase in neck length in the population.

2.) Labrador retrievers can have yellow, black, or brown fur colors. This is an example of genetic variation.

Genetic variation refers to the diversity of traits present within a population due to differences in their genetic makeup. In the case of Labrador retrievers, the variation in fur color (yellow, black, or brown) is a result of different genetic combinations. This variation exists because different combinations of genes determine the production of different pigments, resulting in the observable differences in fur color.

3.) Webbed feet help ducks swim. Webbed feet are an example of an adaptation.

Adaptation refers to a trait or feature that has evolved over time to enable an organism to better survive and thrive in its specific environment. In the case of ducks, their webbed feet are an adaptation that allows them to swim efficiently in water. The webbing between their toes helps to propel them through the water and enhances their maneuverability.

4.) In a semi-aquatic habitat, the bird population relies on fish as their food source. The amount of fish that live in this habitat is an example of a selective pressure.

Selective pressure refers to any factor in an environment that influences the survival and reproduction of certain individuals over others. In this case, the availability of fish as a food source creates a selective pressure on the bird population in the semi-aquatic habitat. The number of fish present in the habitat can directly impact the bird population's ability to find enough food to survive and reproduce.