Visualize a scene where a middle-eastern male filmmaker named Soren is engrossed in his work organizing digital files for his movie. His computer screen is visible with different file formats written such as .jpg, .gif, .wmv, .mov. Several subfolders labeled as 'images', 'audio', 'documents', and 'video' can also be seen. Besides, there is another screen with written file extensions being .mp3, .wav, .gif, .mov, and checkboxes for options.

Soren is organizing the files that he will use in the movie he is creating. his files include the following extensions: jpg, .gif, .wmv, and .mov. which subfolders should he place in the unit project folder. choose all that apply

A. images
B. audio
C. documents
D. video
Is it B and D?

Which of the following extentions are used for audio files? Choose all that apply
A. .mp3
B. .wav
C. .gif
D. .mov
Is it A and B

I think its

Answers to this are 1. B. 2. A & D. 3. A & B.

I got 100% with these answers.

1. A and D

2. A and B

Danny is right!

Danny is 200% right. Thank you Danny

Here are the answers:

1. Delia is developing a storyboard for her movie about her autobiography. In this lesson, you learned about the phases of creating an informative movie. In what phase of movie creation is Delia?
A. research Phase
B. Planning Phase ***
C. Editing Phase
D. creation Phase

2, Soren is organizing the files that he will use in the movie he is creating. his files include the following extensions: jpg, .gif, .wmv, and .mov. which subfolders should he place in the unit project folder? choose all that apply.
A. images ***
B. audio
C. documents
D. video ***

3. Which of the following extensions are used for audio files? Choose all that apply.
A. .mp3 ***
B. .wav ***
C. .gif
D. .mov

Answers are 100% correct:
1. B
2. A and D
3. A and B
5/5 100%

1. B

2. A, D
3. A, B

I agree with both your answers.

THank you!

You're welcome!

Just for a heads up JPG. is an image so the correct answer would be A and D

2 is A and D

Deal_with_it and danny are correct thank you 5/5 10% (1.B) (2.A and D) (3.A and B)



@Danny is correct! & so is everyone else who is correct!

danny is right