Delia is developing a storyboard for her movie about her autobiography. In this lesson, you learned about the phases of creating an informative movie. In what phase of movie creation is Delia?

• research phase
• planning phase
• editing phase
• creation phase

Based on the information provided, Delia is currently in the planning phase of movie creation.

To determine in which phase of movie creation Delia is, we need to understand the different phases of movie creation you have learned about.

The research phase is the initial stage of movie creation, where the filmmaker gathers information and conducts research to have a solid foundation for the movie. During this phase, Delia would be gathering information about her autobiography, including significant events, people, and themes.

The planning phase is where the filmmaker organizes and outlines the structure of the movie. This involves determining the order of events, identifying key moments, and designing the overall narrative arc. Delia would be brainstorming and developing the storyboard for her autobiography movie in this phase.

The editing phase comes after the film has been shot and involves reviewing, selecting, and arranging the footage to create a coherent storyline. Since Delia is still in the planning phase and hasn't started shooting or editing her movie yet, she is not in the editing phase.

Lastly, the creation phase is where the actual production of the movie takes place. This includes filming, directing, capturing scenes, and bringing the storyboard to life. Based on the information given, it seems that Delia is currently in the planning phase, as she is developing the storyboard for her autobiography movie.

Therefore, the correct answer is the "planning phase."

Delia is in the planning phase of movie creation as she is developing a storyboard for her movie about her autobiography.