What skills and practices were important in the growth and spread of early civilization?

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You may have to decide which early civilization you want to study.

yea my name makes NO sense! but thts why its full of AWESOMENESS! post bak if u think i should do a webshow. and also i didn't mean to offend ya srry. it waz just a joke. and BTW MS.SUE,WE WANT THE ANSWER....NOT A TEACHER TALK! YR WELCME JKFDLSA;FJKDLAS!

i don't know cause like the i am looking for the answer not for me to answer it so next wipe and slow books

Hey the answer is they learned how to make tools/objects during the stone age they learned how to build things during there early civilization. Thank you!🤗

^^ sorry that was me

The growth and spread of early civilizations were influenced by several important skills and practices. Here are some key ones:

1. Agriculture: The development of agricultural techniques played a crucial role. The ability to grow crops and domesticate animals provided a stable and consistent food supply, allowing settlements to grow and support a larger population.

To understand how early civilizations practiced agriculture, you can research ancient farming techniques, such as the development of irrigation systems in ancient Mesopotamia or the terraced farming methods used by the Inca civilization.

2. Trade and commerce: Early civilizations relied on trade networks to acquire resources that were not available in their own regions. The exchange of goods and ideas fostered economic growth and cultural exchange.

To explore this topic, you can investigate ancient trade routes, such as the Silk Road in Asia or the Trans-Saharan trade routes in Africa. Research the goods that were traded, the transportation methods employed (such as caravans or ships), and the economic impact of trade on early civilizations.

3. Writing and record-keeping: The development of writing systems enabled civilizations to record important information, such as laws, administrative records, religious texts, and cultural histories. Writing also facilitated communication and the spread of knowledge.

To delve deeper into this subject, study the various writing systems that emerged in early civilizations, such as cuneiform in Mesopotamia, hieroglyphics in ancient Egypt, or the development of the alphabet in Phoenicia. Explore how these writing systems were used and the impact they had on the development of civilizations.

4. Organized government and social structures: The establishment of stable political structures and social hierarchies helped early civilizations maintain order, allocate resources, and provide security.

To learn more about this, study the different forms of government that emerged in early civilizations, such as the city-states of ancient Greece, the centralized bureaucracies of ancient China, or the empires of Rome and Persia. Examine the roles of rulers, systems of governance, and the societal structures that supported them.

5. Technological advancements: Early civilizations made significant technological advancements that improved daily life and contributed to further growth. These advancements included the development of tools, weaponry, construction techniques, and transportation systems.

To explore this area, you can research technological innovations, such as early medicine practices, architectural achievements like the pyramids of Egypt or the Great Wall of China, or technological advancements like the invention of the wheel.

By studying these skills and practices, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of the factors that were crucial in the growth and spread of early civilizations.