Need some reading information to help me answer these questions.


positive psychology as being aware that humans are both creatures and creators of their personal and social worlds. What does this statement mean to you? Do you agree that humans are creatures as well as creators of their personal and social worlds?

Maybe you need to compare positive psychology to negative psychology: Negative Psychology views humans as pawns of the world around them.

So, what does creators and creatures mean (to you)?


To understand and answer the question, it would be helpful to have some background knowledge on positive psychology and its focus on human behavior and well-being. Positive psychology is a branch of psychology that explores the factors contributing to a flourishing and meaningful life. It emphasizes on leveraging strengths and positive emotions to enhance overall well-being.

Based on the statement provided, it suggests that humans have dual roles as both "creatures" and "creators" of their personal and social worlds. To interpret this statement, we can break it down into two parts:

1. Humans are creatures: This refers to the fact that humans are biological beings with various physiological needs, drives, and natural instincts. As creatures, humans can be influenced by their genetic makeup, biological processes, and overall physical well-being. For example, hunger and thirst are biological needs that can impact human behavior and choices.

2. Humans are creators: This aspect highlights the power of humans to actively shape their personal and social worlds. Humans possess cognitive abilities, self-awareness, and the capacity to make choices and take actions that can influence their environment. As creators, humans can shape their personal lives through personal goals, attitudes, and behaviors. They can also contribute to social changes and create a positive impact in their communities and societies.

Now, considering your agreement or disagreement with the statement, it would depend on your own perspective and beliefs. Some may agree with the statement, acknowledging that humans are shaped by their biological nature while also acknowledging their capacity to actively create their own experiences and impact their surroundings. Others may disagree, emphasizing the primacy of one aspect (either being creatures or creators) over the other.

To answer whether you agree or disagree, you might draw upon your personal experiences, beliefs, and understanding of human nature. It could be helpful to reflect on instances where you have felt the influence of your biological needs or instinctual behaviors, as well as situations where you have actively created or changed your personal or social world. By analyzing and synthesizing this information, you can then come to a conclusion and articulate your perspective on the matter.