jack is taking his family to the fair. he plans to take $5 for each admission ticket plus $35 for food. Write an equation that models the amount of money jack takes to the fair.

How many are in Jack's family?

It doesn't say how many.

35 + 5x


You're welcome.

But it says write an equation (=), not an expression

To write an equation that models the amount of money Jack takes to the fair, we can use the following formula:

Amount of money = (Number of tickets * Cost per ticket) + Cost for food

In this scenario, Jack plans to take $5 for each admission ticket, and he plans to take $35 for food.

Let's say the Number of tickets is represented by "n."

Therefore, the equation that models the amount of money Jack takes to the fair would be:
Amount of money = (n * 5) + 35

In this equation, "n" represents the number of tickets Jack plans to buy.