Use the six Spanish terms below to write about something in a traditional classroom. Make sure to use the correct number(s) for the nouns and the correct present tense form of the verb.





the verb estar


Ms. Sue it’s been 7 years..

Ms. Sue died last year yall. Look at one of the posts

Los niños van a estar en la clase viendo la nueva mochila de Manuel. Mientras María va a poner un cartel en la pared que está derecho de la puerta.


El cartel está encima de la mochila

I think-

Los cartel esta en las mochila

miss sue. you will always be in my heart. till the day I pass.


ms. sue went to go get milk XD

oh my lord

She died from cancer u are very disrespectful she is much older than us

omg LMAOOO^^

lol she got CLAPPED.

right! <3

r.i.p ms sue, you will be missed. and so will the milk you went to get

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