a poem on rivers written by sumitra nandan pant?????


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To find a poem on rivers written by Sumitra Nandan Pant, you can follow these steps:

1. Open a web browser and go to a search engine like Google.
2. Type "Sumitra Nandan Pant poem on rivers" in the search bar and hit enter.
3. Look through the search results to find a website or page that might have the poem you are looking for.
4. Once you find a relevant source, click on the link to open it.
5. Scan the webpage to locate the poem written by Sumitra Nandan Pant specifically about rivers.

Unfortunately, as an AI text-based model, I don't have direct access to the internet or specific poems. However, I can provide you with a general idea of a poem on rivers that Sumitra Nandan Pant might write:

Title: "The Everflowing Symphony"

In the realm of nature's grandeur,
Where life begins and stories flow,
The rivers dance, a timeless spectacle,
To the rhythm of a celestial show.

A playful melody they weave,
Upon their winding, silvery path,
Through valleys deep and mountains high,
Creating nature's harmonious wrath.

Like veins of the Earth's vast body,
They carry life upon their breast,
Nurturing the lands they traverse,
In their eternal, ceaseless quest.

From humble streams to mighty currents,
They carve landscapes with gentle might,
Connecting civilizations and souls,
Bringing sustenance and sheer delight.

Oh, rivers! You embody freedom,
As you meander through plains and dells,
A mirror of both joy and sorrow,
Reflecting tales that history tells.

Your waters speak of human dreams,
Of love, loss, and profound desire,
A symphony of nature's wonders,
That sparks our hearts' eternal fire.

So let us cherish these mighty rivers,
Embrace the essence they bestow,
For in their waters, we find solace,
In their eternal flow, we grow.

Please note that this poem is a creative interpretation and not an actual poem by Sumitra Nandan Pant.