
x+y/6 for x =57 and y=3

the answer is


Hmm. I get 57 1/2, unless you mean (x+y)/6

Learn the importance of parentheses.

To evaluate the expression x + y/6 for x = 57 and y = 3, follow these steps:

Step 1: Substitute the given values of x and y into the expression.

x + y/6 = 57 + 3/6

Step 2: Simplify the expression using the order of operations (PEMDAS/BODMAS).

x + y/6 = 57 + 0.5

Step 3: Add the numbers on the right side of the equation.

x + y/6 = 57.5

Therefore, the value of x + y/6, when x = 57 and y = 3, is 57.5.