T-Riffic T shirts for a $20 design fee plus $8 charge per shirt printed, what is the algebraic rule?



To calculate the total cost of printing T-shirts at T-Riffic T-shirts, you can use the following algebraic formula:

Total Cost = Design Fee + (Charge per Shirt x Number of Shirts)

In this case, the design fee is $20, and there is an additional charge of $8 per shirt printed. To find the total cost, you need to know the number of shirts being printed.

Let's say you want to print "n" number of shirts. The algebraic rule for the total cost would be:

Total Cost = $20 + ($8 × n)

So, if you want to find the total cost for printing 10 shirts, you would substitute "n" with 10:

Total Cost = $20 + ($8 × 10)
Total Cost = $20 + $80
Total Cost = $100

Therefore, the total cost for printing 10 shirts at T-Riffic T-shirts would be $100.