Follow the order of operations and find the missing number: 20+5 x(?+6)-12/2=64

To find the missing number, we need to follow the order of operations, which involves performing the operations in the following order: parentheses, exponents, multiplication/division (from left to right), and addition/subtraction (from left to right).

Let's break down the equation step by step:

1. 20 + 5 x (? + 6) - 12 / 2 = 64

First, let's simplify the expression within the parentheses by adding 6 to the unknown number:

2. 20 + 5 x (? + 6) - 12 / 2 = 64
20 + 5 x (? + 6) - 12 / 2 = 64
20 + 5 x (? + 6) - 6 = 64

Next, let's simplify the multiplication:

3. 20 + 5 x (? + 6) - 6 = 64
20 + 5(? + 6) - 6 = 64

To solve for the missing number, we'll isolate the unknown variable by performing operations in reverse order of operations.

First, let's distribute the 5 to (? + 6):

4. 20 + 5(? + 6) - 6 = 64
20 + 5? + 30 - 6 = 64

Combine like terms:

5. 20 + 5? + 30 - 6 = 64
44 + 5? = 64

Next, let's isolate the variable by subtracting 44 from both sides:

6. 44 + 5? = 64
5? = 64 - 44
5? = 20

Finally, to find the value of "?", divide both sides by 5:

7. 5? = 20
? = 20 / 5
? = 4

Therefore, the missing number is 4.