According to Aristotle, what makes the rich and downtrodden poor rulers?

A: According to Aristotle, the rich and downtrodden would make poor rulers because they would be greedy and selfish and treat each other unfairly due to pride or rascality. Furthermore, Aristotle believed that the former committed deeds of violence on a large scale, and the latter were delinquent and wicked in petty ways.

I agree.

Step 1: Aristotle believed that the rich and downtrodden would make poor rulers.

Step 2: This is because he thought they would be greedy and selfish.

Step 3: Additionally, Aristotle believed that they would treat each other unfairly due to pride or rascality.

Step 4: He also believed that the rich would commit deeds of violence on a large scale.

Step 5: Aristotle thought that the downtrodden would be delinquent and wicked in petty ways.

To find information on Aristotle's views regarding why the rich and downtrodden would make poor rulers, you can refer to his works on politics and ethics. In particular, his book "Politics" is a valuable source for understanding his political philosophy.

To access Aristotle's writings, you can search for translations or commentaries of his works in libraries, academic databases, or online platforms like Project Gutenberg or Google Books. Look for editions that include the specific chapters or sections related to rulers and governance.

Once you have obtained a copy of his work, locate the relevant sections or chapters where Aristotle discusses the qualities that would make the rich and downtrodden poor rulers. Pay attention to his arguments, reasoning, and examples he provides to support his viewpoint.

As you read, take notes on Aristotle's main points and any supporting evidence or examples he presents. This will help you understand his perspective and explain it more effectively.

Remember to critically evaluate Aristotle's arguments and consider any counterarguments or opposing viewpoints that may exist. This will provide a well-rounded understanding of his position on this particular topic.