According to Aristotle, how might the educated person contribute to a well-rounded society?

A Aristotle believed that happiness or well-being could only be achieved by obtaining a requisite of skills.Aristotle believed that happiness or well-being could only be achieved by obtaining a requisite of skills.
B Aristotle believed only an educated person had an eternal soul and could contribute to a society's reason, emotion, and desire.Aristotle believed only an educated person had an eternal soul and could contribute to a society's reason, emotion, and desire.
C Aristotle believed that education included the development of the mind and body. Both could be developed through music and gymnastics.Aristotle believed that education included the development of the mind and body. Both could be developed through music and gymnastics.
D Aristotle believed that a good education equated to a good world view. He believed that education grounded a person both in ethics and politics

D Aristotle believed that a good education equated to a good world view. He believed that education grounded a person both in ethics and politics.

C Aristotle believed that education included the development of the mind and body. Both could be developed through music and gymnastics.

The correct answer is D: Aristotle believed that a good education equated to a good worldview. He believed that education grounded a person both in ethics and politics.

To arrive at this answer, one would need to study Aristotle's philosophy and his views on education and its impact on society. One would need to familiarize oneself with Aristotle's works, such as "Nicomachean Ethics" and "Politics," where he discusses the role of education in shaping individuals and their contributions to society.

In "Nicomachean Ethics," Aristotle argues that education is crucial for developing virtues, which are essential for living a good and fulfilling life. These virtues include moral virtues, intellectual virtues, and practical wisdom. By cultivating these virtues through education, individuals can contribute to a well-rounded society.

In "Politics," Aristotle emphasizes the importance of education for good citizenship. He believed that education should go beyond intellectual development and also focus on cultivating moral character. By instilling ethical principles and virtues, education can shape individuals who are not only knowledgeable but also committed to the well-being of their community and the common good.

Therefore, based on Aristotle's writings, it can be concluded that he believed education played a vital role in shaping individuals who can contribute to a well-rounded society by grounding them in both ethics and politics.