Which of the following is an example of an appropriate activity-plan objective?

A. The child puts the story characters in sequence on the flannel board.
B. The child feels good about his or her participation in the activity.
C. Children think about seeds and leaves.
D. The adult selects appropriate materials for the children to use.

My answer is a.


Your answer is correct! Option A, "The child puts the story characters in sequence on the flannel board," is an example of an appropriate activity-plan objective. It clearly states a specific action that the child will take during the activity.

You are correct, option A. "The child puts the story characters in sequence on the flannel board" is an example of an appropriate activity-plan objective. This objective is specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). It clearly states what the child is expected to do during the activity (put the story characters in sequence), and it can be easily observed and measured to determine if the objective has been achieved. To arrive at this answer, you need to carefully analyze each option and determine which one aligns most clearly with the purpose of the activity.