Most often, these are words that evoke mental pictures as we read or play on other senses.

A. Irony

B. Puns

C. Antithesis

D. Imagery

Is it C ?


Please look up the meanings of these words.


No, not C.

Have you looked these terms up at

I was thinking between C, and D, so is it D ?

Becacuse i don't think this will be irony or puns

Yes I was checking in on wikipedia

Do you not associate imagery with mental pictures?

I don;t know is really confuseing for me, i'm stuck on this question about 20 min hehe

What are images?

Do you think they are related to imagery?

Did you look up the words at as I suggested above?

Yes it says:

Imagery: the formation of mental images, figures, or likenesses of things, or of such images collectively: the dim imagery of a dream.

so it should be D


Thank you for your help

You are welcome.