what is the square route of pi

To find the square root of π (pi), we can use a calculator or a mathematical software. However, let me explain how you can find it manually using an approximation method called Newton's method:

1. Start with an initial guess for the square root. Let's say, for example, that we start with x = 1.

2. Use the formula x = (x + (π/x))/2 to improve the guess. Substituting π into the equation, we get x = (x + (π/x))/2 = (1 + (π/1))/2 = (1 + π)/2 ≈ 2.5708.

3. Repeat step 2 using the result obtained in the previous step.

4. Continue this process until you reach the desired level of accuracy or until the result stops changing significantly.

By repeatedly applying this method, we can obtain a more accurate approximation for the square root of π.

However, keep in mind that π is an irrational number, which means that its square root cannot be expressed exactly as a finite decimal or fraction. Therefore, any approximation will be an irrational number itself.

The exact value of the square root of π is approximately 1.77245385091.