What is the product of 659 and 95

What is the product of 658 and 95


To get the product of 659 and 95, you simply need to multiply these two numbers together.

Here's how to do it step by step:

Step 1: Take the first digit of the second number (9) and multiply it by the first number (659). 9 * 659 = 5931.

Step 2: Next, multiply the second digit of the second number (5) by the first number (659) and shift the result one place to the left. In this case, 5 * 659 = 3295. Since we shifted it one place to the left, it becomes 32950.

Step 3: Add the two products obtained in Step 1 and Step 2 together. 5931 + 32950 = 38881.

Therefore, the product of 659 and 95 is 38881.