Kaylee got a 15% raise. She now earns $23 an hour. How much did she earn before the raise?

1.15x = 23

x = ?


To find out how much Kaylee earned before the raise, we can use the formula for calculating a percentage increase.

Let's denote Kaylee's original salary as "x".

Since she received a 15% raise, her new salary is 15% more than her original salary. Mathematically, we can express this as:

x + 0.15x = $23

To simplify this equation, we combine the two terms on the left side:

1.15x = $23

Now, we need to isolate x by dividing both sides of the equation by 1.15:

x = $23 / 1.15

Evaluating the right side of the equation gives us:

x ≈ $20

Therefore, Kaylee was earning approximately $20 per hour before the raise.