1.) Use Newton’s first law of motion to explain how wearing a seat belt in a moving car could help prevent injury.

2.) A skydiver prepares to jump out of a plane. Explain how gravity and air resistance will affect the motion of the skydiver before and after he or she opens the parachute.

bob your stupid your here to help people not critique them.

1. Newton's first law of motion states that an object in motion tends to stay in motion unless an opposing force stops it. Seat belts are basically life supports inside a car. So, if you were not wearing your seat-belt, you are most likely to go through the windshield during a crash. Also, If you happen to get in a crash and your not wearing a seat belt. The airbags will cause severe injuries. They come out at 400 mph which could likely kill you. So be safe and wear a seat-belt.

2. I have no idea

2. Gravity continues to push you down but Air resistance keeps you in the sky longer. So when you open the parachute you till are going down but the parachute slows you down.

(I'm bad at explaining lol)

i know the answer for none of them


1.) Newton's first law of motion, also known as the law of inertia, states that an object at rest will stay at rest, and an object in motion will continue in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an external force. When it comes to wearing a seat belt in a moving car, this law can help us understand why it can help prevent injury.

In the context of a moving car, your body is in motion along with the car. As per Newton's first law, your body will resist any changes in its state of motion. So, if the car suddenly decelerates or comes to a sudden stop, your body will tend to keep moving forward due to its inertia. This could result in you hitting the dashboard, windshield, or any other hard surface inside the car, leading to injuries.

By wearing a seat belt, you create an external force that acts on your body during sudden decelerations or collisions. When the car decelerates or abruptly stops, the seat belt applies a restraining force, slowing down your body's forward motion. The seat belt helps to distribute the force more evenly across your body, rather than concentrating it on specific body parts like the head or chest. This way, wearing a seat belt can significantly reduce the risk of serious injuries or even save your life by preventing you from being thrown out of the car during a collision.

2.) When a skydiver jumps out of a plane, two main forces come into play: gravity and air resistance.

Before opening the parachute, gravity is the dominant force acting on the skydiver. Gravity pulls the skydiver downwards, causing them to accelerate towards the ground. The acceleration due to gravity is approximately 9.8 meters per second squared, and it causes the skydiver to fall faster and faster as time elapses. The skydiver's speed increases until they reach what is called the terminal velocity.

Once the skydiver opens the parachute, air resistance comes into play. Air resistance is the force exerted by the air against the motion of the skydiver. When the parachute is deployed, it increases the surface area facing the direction of motion. This larger surface area creates a greater resistance to the motion, resulting in a substantial decrease in the skydiver's speed. As the speed decreases, the force of air resistance gradually balances out the force of gravity until the skydiver reaches a new, lower terminal velocity.

After the parachute is open, the skydiver experiences a slower descent due to the increased air resistance. The larger surface area of the parachute creates more drag, countering gravity's pull. This slower descent allows the skydiver to safely reach the ground at a reduced speed, preventing injuries that may occur from a rapid impact.

In summary, before opening the parachute, gravity causes the skydiver to accelerate towards the ground. After opening the parachute, air resistance opposes gravity and reduces the skydiver's speed, allowing for a safer landing.

I will be happy to critique your response.